TED TALK Synopsis

The video started out by reviewing many amazing photography took by amazing photographers. My favorite has the be the soap disco or the bottom of the tannic. The speaker talked about if you want to be a good photographer you have to consistently produce great photography’s.  He had also received each photograph and gave a small summary of explained it.

External Flash Worksheet

1-When would you use external flash?

If Your setting is dark and you need to use the flash.

2-Do you need to meter the light if you use flash?

When using a flash, you usually don’t need a handheld light meter, especially when using a dedicated flash that communicates with your camera1.

3-What does flash synchronization mean?

Synchronizing the firing of a photographic flash

4-What does ETTL mean?-What does ETTL mean?

Evaluative Through The Lens

5-What will happen when you shoot faster than the camera sync speed?

When you shoot faster than the camera sync speed, the second curtain starts to close before the first curtain has fully opened, resulting in the exposure being captured by a slit that travels down the frame12.

6-Why do photographers bounce the flash and use a diffuser?

To softening the light.

7– What is a slave?

flash unit set to slave mode which will fire when it detects the output of another flash unit.