
PHOTOBOT!: Surrealism Photoshop I

– Surrealism is a style of art inspired by dreams and hidden thoughts

-Surrealism is always fiction.

-Can be made out of anything

What make this picture good surrealism?

-Looks like a fantasy


– Dreamlike and uncanny imagery environment

-Flying clocks


-Verry mysterious

-A distortion of reality


-The use of the visual form to express and translate the unconscious

-Makes me wonder

-Very Scary

-Looks really cool

Edited really good




Photography Light and Shadow1/250 sec, f/11, ISO 400, Manual,18.00mm




















-This picture has amazing shadow

-Good pattern

-Mysterious looking

-Great angle

-Nice background

-Makes me wonder

-Tells a story

-Good editing

-Black and white

-Nice contrast








1/125 sec, f/22 , ISO 400, Manual,18.00mm


CompositiobThis picture has good composition because it contrast..



M, 1/1300 sec, f22, iso12800, 18mm

M, 1/1300, iso 20000, f22,55m













Extreme macro of strawberry texture -background | Stock Photo | Colourbox

The strawberry is bright red, I can see the seeds, the reflection of the light, and the

leaf attached to the tree. I also noticed that the corners of the picture are not focused.

I like this photo because the quality is really and good the camera shows all the details.






The exposure tringle is Aperture, Iso, Shutter speed.



“controls the area over which light can enter your camera.”


” controls the sensitivity of your camera’s sensor to a given amount of light.”


“A camera’s shutter determines when the camera sensor will be open or closed to incoming light from the camera lens.”