1. Explain the main differences between a raw and jpeg file.

Professional and amateur photographers regularly debate whether shooting in JPEG or RAW is better. While both raster file formats share similarities, there are some key advantages and disadvantages to each type.

2. Which file is bigger RAW or Jpeg?

RAW files are significantly bigger than JPEG.

3. Can you change a Raw file to a Jpeg, once your photos are the computer? How?

If a RAW image is under or overexposed, the wider dynamic range makes recovery a lot easier, with greater control over sharpening. Because RAW files are lossless, unprocessed, and uncompressed, they maintain their original high quality and don’t experience any drops in resolution due to resizing.

4. If you were shooting an important event, would you shoot it RAW or Jpeg? Explain.

I would shoot with raw because its higher quality.

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